Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Building Update #30 - Insulation, Drywall, and Paint

Since our last blog post, Jake and his assorted related helpers have been busy.  Jake has been working 7 days a week 10 hours a day trying to get the Certificate of Occupancy before we have to be out of our rental apartment!  The succession of work below:

We used mineral wool insulation - it is hydrophobic, fire-proof, and easy to cut and install solo.

Drywall starts going up.  Don't ask how Jake and my Dad got this drywall up in the stairwell.  

My Dad hamming it up for the camera. Notice the proper personal protective equipment.  Safety first. 

Then comes the mudding and taping.  

Sanded, primed, and painted.  Jake decided to paint everything white to save time, and later we will choose colors when we have time and have lived there for a little while.  Jake was going for a Level 5 drywall  finish.  I was not allowed to ask how much time a Level 4 finish would have saved us...


  1. A TON of work, and then some. Looking good. We hired out 95% of the drywall on our house. All 5/8" for a bit more thermal mass. It took a crew of 3 a bit less than 2 weeks to do the entire house along with the orange peel texture and primer. I'm soooo glad we hired out this portion.

    1. Yes. Drywall is heavy dirty work. Ditto. 5/8" drywall was used for a bit more thermal mass as compared to 1/2" material. The Passivhaus building details book showed two layers of 5/8" for lightweight construction. Glad I didn't try that.

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