Sunday, August 18, 2013

Building Update #1

Building Permit in hand, issues with our water service resolved, we broke ground this past Monday, August 12th!  As of Friday, all the trees have been cleared, the driveway and utilities marked out with paint, and the four corners of the house and garage foundations have been marked with stakes.  

Blasting is the next stop.  We are waiting on our blasting permit, but we need to blast almost 400 feet of our 500 feet of driveway, and the foundations for the house and garage. 

Our house site looking south.  That hunk of rock in the left side of the picture will have to get blasted away to make a level foundation.

Baxter on a Sunday afternoon site visit.  We're amazed he stayed awake...

The heavy equipment, taken before excavation began.

 The garage site.  You can barely make out the four orange-topped stakes at the four corners.  It will be bigger than the house!
Looking down at Ocean Ave from the house site. 


  1. I know this blog is not really about Baxter but he is so loveable you will have to include more pics of him supervising you and Rusty! Miss seeing you guys.
